Getting Your Hair Summer Ready: What You Need to Know

It’s finally starting to heat up and we’re all beginning to get excited about the prospect of long summer nights, days spent on the beach, and picnicking in the warm weather – although our hair doesn’t exactly share the excitement. With hot summer temperatures and the harsh blazing sun, our hair can suffer the consequences of sun, wind, and even thermal damage.


Here’s our advice on how to protect your luscious locks this summer:


Avoid Heat


Put down the straightener (we know, this one isn’t easy) and opt for a leave-in conditioner. With the summer temps, your hair will be dryer than usual, and the last thing you’ll want to do is to use heat styling tools as often as you may have during the winter. We recommend adding a little leave-in conditioner to your hair after showering to lock in the moisture and prevent frizz and breakage.


Deep Condition Often


To avoid the inevitable dryness and frizz that comes with the summer, we recommend deep conditioning at least once a week to keep your gorgeous hair shiny and well-hydrated. This will also help prevent further breakage that comes with dry and damaged hair.


Cover Up or Go Loose


Wide-brim hats, scarves, and umbrellas are going to be your hair’s best friend this summer. We recommend using silk scrunchies instead of tight elastics when tucking your hair away. Don’t be afraid to try out loose braids or buns to keep your hair up and protected from the heat! And, if you’re looking for some style inspo, check out our blog here.


Rinse Often

You already know that pool water is full of chemicals, like chlorine, to keep the water so fresh and clean but did you know that those same chemicals are not the best for keeping your hair so fresh and clean? If you plan on hitting the pool – or even the ocean water – be sure to rinse your hair after. It helps to minimize the impact of the chemicals and salt in the water on your hair.


Lastly, consider booking us for one of our signature deep conditioning treatments that will leave your hair glossy, well-moisturized, and frizz-free! Our stylists are here to help you beat summer breakage. Get in touch to book your appointment today!



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