Leaving Quarantine Box-Color Behind


Quarantine in the Pandemic was hard on us all. Let’s not talk about it. We might suffer an episode of PTQD (Post-traumatic Quarantine Disorder). Aaaand moving on…

What we do need to talk about is how hard quarantine was on your hair. Those locks of yours are going to need their own therapy treatment to unpack the trauma of 2020. Especially if you’ve had to resort to box hair dye.

Let’s be clear, we are not here to “box shame” anyone. We all did what we had to! What we do want to do is unpack (unbox?) the damaging effects that many box dyes can have on hair. They contain low quality dyes, chemicals and additives that are harsh, harmful and even cause reactions to sensitive skin. Over-the-counter color removers can have detrimental results too, damaging your hair further and making it take even longer to achieve your coloring and regrowth goals.

So, yes, we want to help you leave the box dye behind, but it’s all for the sake of your luscious locks. We want to help you manage expectations when making the change from box color. The hard truth is that in order to prevent deeper damage, transitioning away from box-color may be an intensive process that takes a lot longer than you may realize (or want!). 

So, here’s what to expect: 

To begin, we take all of your previous hair history into account when removing box color. We get to know your hair (and you, of course) like long lost besties.

Our first session is going to be a long one (at least 3 hours) and each session after that will probably be about 3 hours long as well. Never fear, though. At Hologram, we’ll arm you with coffee, a comfy chair and a lot of good friends. Expect that it will take multiple sessions. You may not see immediate results, and that’s okay, because the alternative is having your hair break off. Be prepared to invest some time and money into your hair, but your ideal style and color is the line!

This process can take weeks, months or even up to a year – depending on your starting point and ultimate hair goals. That being said, every time you come in you’ll leave with gorgeous hair that will always be coming closer to your dream ‘do.

The one thing we really want you to know, though, is that your hair has unlimited possibilities. There is no reason whatsoever to feel ashamed or concerned about box dyes. All you need to do, is know where you want to go with your hair – and trust us to get you there.

So, that’s what you can expect when you’re saying buh-bye to box dye. We want you to have a realistic picture of what the process can look like. In short, it will take time, and you’ll need to be patient and loving to your hair. Each head of hair is so different and each color treatment is unique so the best way to know what your transition will look like is to come in for a consultation.

We can’t wait to see you and your hair, and help you break the box dye cycle.


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