How Do I Get Rid of Buildup on My Hair?

Buildup happens – there’s just no avoiding it. Fortunately, keeping your hair healthy and looking fabulous isn’t super difficult. Knowing what’s causing your hair to look and feel weighed down is the first step.


But I’m So Careful! Where Did it Come From?


Life, mostly. Even if you choose all your haircare and styling products with the goal of avoiding residue, your hair has to go through life with you. And life is messy!  The water we wash our hair in can contain contaminates like calcium, magnesium, copper, and chloride. All of these can leave a film on your hair and scalp that will cause it to dry and look dull. Even pollution in the air can start to build up on your hair.


And of course, most haircare and styling products will start to leave buildup over time. It sounds like a bad thing, but it’s kind of part of their job. Products to enhance shine or reduce frizz typically contain some form of silicone. Its job is to create a barrier around the hair shaft. It’s what prevents your hair from absorbing the humidity in the air which is what makes it frizzy.


Heat protectants also coat your hair to protect it from styling heat. Even your regular shampoo & conditioner can have residue buildup if you use the same ones all the time. Generally, none of these things damaging – it’s good to know where build up comes from so you know how to best keep your hair happy and healthy.


Don’t Worry – This is Fixable


The best – and easiest – way to remove buildup from your hair is to have quality clarifying products in your regular haircare rotation. Here are a few of our favorites, which are all available to order from the online shop on the Hologram Salon website.

·      Submarine Water Activated Enzyme Exfoliating Shampoo by R+Co

This exfoliating shampoo is great for removing buildup while leaving your hair and scalp feeling refreshed.


·      Teacup Peacholine + Kombucha Detox Rinse by R+Co

If your hair carries buildup caused by hard water this light conditioning rinse is a good weapon in your hair arsenal.


·      Dream Filter Pre Shampoo Mineral Remover by Color Wow

This color-safe treatment can be used before your daily shampoo to help remove residue that can dull color treated hair.


A Note of Caution


We know there are plenty of home remedy type of buildup rinses out there in the wide world of the internet. Unfortunately, some are terribly harsh and will strip your hair and scalp of too much of their natural oils. This can cause skin irritation, overproduction of oil, dry scalp, etc.… Products formulated for your hair can do a much better job of removing buildup without it being overkill. 


Reach out to us if you need some help choosing the best products for your hair, or to come in for a refreshing shampoo, cut, and style!


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