How Long Does Gray Blending or Transformation Take?

Is it time?! Are you ready to embrace your gray? Whether you’ve been covering your gray for years or are just starting to see the silver shift beginning, you can start the process of gray blending.


Gracefully Go Gray


Waiting for natural color to grow out can be exhausting. Somehow the wait is even more interminable when you’re transitioning to a blended gray look.


Now, gray blending is not a once-and-done process – while we wish we could wave our magic hair wands and make it so – that’s just not the case. What we’re really doing, instead of just a standard color process, is creating hair camouflage. The roots are colored like they would be for traditional highlights, except that your stylist will match the highlight to your particular shades of gray.


Fun fact: Did you know gray comes in myriad shades? It’s actually not a one size fits all color!  


A gray transformation is a different process but takes about the same amount of time and number of sessions to achieve the look. The end result will be more gray and silver. To get there your stylist will have to break through all the existing color that isn’t already gray. We want to do this in a way that does minimal damage which is why it also requires multiple sessions.


To Blend or To Transform…


These two techniques have the same goal – a shift to your natural silver, gray or white shade. They just get there by different paths.


Blending is a more subtle transition. It’s a great option if you want to embrace your new color but prefer to not have a sudden and drastic change. We’ll blend your roots and ends together to bring out your natural grays without stripping color from the rest of your hair. Ease into it.


If you want to jump all the way into the deep-end, a gray transformation might be more your style. Your stylist will use your visible grays to create a pattern that comes close to what your natural one will be.

Let us know when you’re ready to come in for a consultation!



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