How to Create a Hair Care Routine That Works for You


There are gazillions of hair products out there screaming that they’re the one for you. You are inundated by advertisements, blogs (yes, like this one) and magazine articles all telling you that they know how to take care of your hair.


Here’s the real secret. Only you know how to create the hair care routine that will ultimately work for you.


Sure, you should do your research, listen to the experts and consult with your stylist but in the end it all comes down to the relationship between you and your hair.


The most important aspect of hair care is listening to your body. Your hair speaks. Your scalp has very important messages for you. You must listen, learn and meet the needs of your hair every step of the way. Your stylist can be your guide as you take your hair care journey, but it’s you who will be taking the daily steps.


And let’s just be clear, there is no silver bullet with hair care. Though there are lots of general practices that work for different hair types, there is no one method or product to rule them all. It’s a matter of knowing your type and knowing your needs.


Know your type – hair and scalp


Hair can be categorized into four types: straight, wavy, curly and coils. In each of the wavy, curly and coils realms you also have 3 subcategories that get at the specific type of waves, curls or coils. And then hair can also be defined as fine, thick or coarse. This is the hair you’ve had your whole life so you should know it pretty well, but you can talk with your stylist about getting even more specific into your hair type.


One aspect of hair care that’s often overlooked is the scalp. Scalp care is essential for great hair. Scalps tend to follow our skin types: oily, dry, combination or sensitive. Get in there and give your scalp a good look regularly. The combo of your hair type and your scalp type is then going to determine your hair care routine.


Know your hair needs


The next step is asking your hair what it needs. Is your hair damaged and in need of repair? Is your hair colored or bleached? Do you have frizz issues? Do you want more shine, volume or definition? Know what your hair needs to start determining the next steps in your hair care routine.


Side note, needs change from season to season, year to year. Just because one routine worked for a period of time, don’t forget to regularly do a hair check-in and adapt to your hair’s needs.


Cleanse and condition Your Hair


Cleansing hair is an artful balance between exfoliating, removing product residue and keeping your hair’s natural oils present so they can keep doing their thing. Washing your hair every day is not recommended for any hair type, but depending on your lifestyle it may be unavoidable. In which case you will want to apply extra treatments for moisture.


Always use a sulfate-free shampoo and avoid over-the-counter products. It’s not a snooty salon thing, it’s a healthy hair thing. Here’s the recommended schedule for washing by hair type: Straight hair every 2-3 days, wavy hair 3-4 days, curly hair once a week, coily hair co-wash with condition every 2-3 days.


Your daily conditioner can be used each time you wash, just make sure to apply it to the middle and ends of the hair to avoid the greasy-looking scalp. A leave-in condition adds a deeper layer of nourishment, but isn’t usually recommended for fine or straight hair as it tends to leave these types feeling too heavy. Deep conditioners offer even more hydration for those dry hair types.


Detangle Your Hair


Be careful when detangling because wet hair breaks more easily. The finer the hair, the finer the brush or comb that can be used and vice versa for thick and coily hair. If detangling is painful or difficult, apply a detangling spray or serum.


For all hair types


All hair types can benefit from these ground rules and specialty treatments. Depending on your hair and scalp type and your current needs, certain treatments may be best used occasionally or more regularly. Ask your stylist what’s right for you.


·      Oil massage with a carrier oil for you hair type and essential oils that meet your hair needs

·      Trim your hair every 2-3 months to keep it healthy, happy and free from split ends

·      Avoid tying it up too much as this can cause breakage and damage

·      Cover that mane when you go out. The sun, weather, pollen, dirt and other environmental factors can cause many hair issues

·      Use cool or lukewarm water to wash. The hotter the water, the more likely it is to strip your hair of oils and leave it dry.

·      Beat the heat and try to avoid straightening, curling and blow drying with too much heat. If you’re using heat on your hair, make sure to use a good heat protection spray. 

·      Natural is better. The more weird, unpronounceable ingredients in your products, the more likely they are to contain parabens and silicon which are big no-nos for your hair.

·      Treatments – scalp treatments, protein treatments and masks are great gifts for your hair. Just find the right ones to meet your needs.



At the end of the day (and week and month), a hair care routine is all about watching your hair, listening to what it’s trying to tell you and meeting those needs. You may have to adjust. You may need to watch and react to your hair’s signals. But a couple things should be constant: you should love your hair and have fun with it.


Let us help you build your hair care routine!



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