What is That Over-the-Counter Product Doing to Your Hair?


So, here’s the thing. Store-bought products are lining most of our shower shelves and bathroom counters. Shopping at Target or your local grocery store for hair care products is, well, easy and attainable – and we’re not just talking price-wise. 

But is it good for your hair?

Spoiler alert: That’s a big ol’ no.  

“Over-the-counter” and non-professional shampoos, conditioners and products can be harmful to your hair, especially if it is color-treated or you have extensions.

Full disclosure, we are not here to product shame, and Lord knows we are all on a budget. Which is why we want to recommend products that keep your hair looking flawless longer! It’s not about some”who’s who” list of the hottest products on the market. This is about healthy hair. Plain and simple.

We want you to have hair that lives and breathes, full of vibrancy and health. And, the best way to get this kind of hair is with quality products. And the best place to get these products is – you guessed it – in a salon.

The truth about store bought brands:

The pH of your hair is typically between 4.5-5.5. Guess where the pH is in most store bought shampoos? 7.9-9.9. That kind of pH level is extremely harsh and, with time, will damage your hair and cause a massive amount of product buildup.

If you color your hair, these products will strip the color out. If you can’t seem to manage the frizz, it’s because most of these products tend to blow open the cuticle on the hair shaft. We have clients tell us that their hair is frizzy, oily, unmanageable, and the list goes on. The truth is your hair is none of these things, but rather it is weighed down by buildup left from the waxes and plastics in these shampoos. They leave hair lifeless and sitting flat on your head.

At first, many over-the-counter products can lead you to believe that they are working fabulously. You will see a stellar shine and silky softness. But this honeymoon period is short-lived. These shampoos are distributing waxes to leave the hair shiny and soft. Over time those waxes harden and leaving your hair covered with a thick residue.

If you want to see this waxy accumulation for yourself, come in to our salon if you’re in neighborhood and we’ll give you a buildup test. You will get to see just how much damage these products are bringing to your hair.

Here’s the skinny on professional salon brands:

Sure, you can buy “salon brands” inside of general stores but be wary – most are still jam-packed with ingredients that actually do damage to your hair. 

If the goal is gorgeous, healthy hair – hair that gets strengthened and boosted with each wash, instead of being slowly stripped and worsened – then you should look towards professional brands your salon recommends. Added bonus? When you purchase salon products, aside from their long-lasting positive effects, you are also supporting small business and in today’s world, that means a lot!

 Come in to see us at Hologram. We want to help you take care of that beautiful head of hair – it’s your greatest accessory. For a custom home care plan, contact us to schedule an appointment, or swing by and we will pick out products specifically for your hair.

Don’t let non-professional products fool you or sell you on a false image. Your hair needs the real thing. We’re here to give you that gorgeous natural look and keep your hair healthy for life.


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