Best Hairstyles During Quarantine


Maybe she’s born with it…Maybe it’s quarantine. ;)

You can call it the “Hair-demic,” the “Q-do,” the “Lockdown locks” or the “Corona-cut.” Even if you’re in the “Quarantine hair, don’t care” club, everyone has to find something to do with their hairstyle during quarantine.

When asking yourself how to style your hair during the pandemic we have a simple suggestion. Three words: Easy. To. Manage.

Hairstyles should match our aesthetic and our lifestyle

If you’re home, you can focus on keeping your hair manageable and healthy. This is the perfect time to give your hair a rest and focus on rejuvenation, just beware of non-professional products (Link: Why You Should Stop Using Over-the-Counter Hair Products to Treat Your Hair).

If you’re still out and about and working, keep it easy to manage by picking a color that’s simple to maintain. We’d suggest lowlights over highlights and a cut that can be swiftly styled to help you save time.

It’s been a trying year for all of us. Hair might be the last thing on your mind but your locks haven’t forgotten about you. Give them some love. While, we’re definitely going to try and steer you away from doing anything drastic like coloring or cutting your own hair, you could try out some new styles at home. Buns, braids, topknots, ponytails, go nuts! This is the time to get creative and try out something new.

If you’re looking to get out of the house and enjoy some private time away from the chaos, we are open and taking limited appointments. We’re taking COVID-19 seriously and we’ve implemented ALL the safety protocols. So you can come for a luxury day away and still feel completely safe and at ease.

However you do your ‘do during quarantine, we hope you and your hair are healthy and happy. Take our easy to manage hairstyle recipe seriously. We’ve dealt with enough this year, our hair doesn’t need to cause us any extra worry.

Stay silky and shiny!


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