Great Hair Care Rituals for The Winter Months


Winter’s in full swing. How’s your hair? Yeah…winter can be tough on those lovely locks. But don’t worry, we’ve got some habits and rituals that are easy to follow and easy to turn into a routine.

 Whether you’re in Georgia where winters are cold and wet, but relatively mild, or Minnesota where hair needs to be prepared for subzero temperatures and blizzards, you should have a winter hair care plan.


Here are 6 things you need to know to keep that mane vivacious and gorgeous all winter long.


1. Hydration

 The first step to beating winter’s woes is to step up your hydration game. Drink water, use a humidifier and do everything you can to give much-needed moisture to your hair. You’re definitely going to want to invest in a leave-in conditioner (we’ve got recommendations and products in our shop). And always make sure you use a conditioner after shampoo (see #5 on less hair washing). The right oils for your hair will also make all the difference, as well as committing to a weekly hair mask. If you need suggestions on oils and hair masks, you know where to find us .


2. Cover it up

 We know, we know, your hair looks so dang good, why would you want to cover it up? Winter is not the time to get fixated on hat hair. When you cover those locks you shield them from that greedy moisture-sucking air, wind, snow and rain. The winter is determined to dry out and damage your hair – don’t let it! But before you go and throw on your favorite wool hat or scarf, be aware that wool, cotton and other fabrics can damage hair and cause static. Solve this problem with a silk or satin liner or scarf underneath your hat.


3. Dry your hair right and use heat protectant

 You know how your mom would shout at you as you left for school in the morning “Don’t leave the house with wet hair! You’ll catch a cold!” While we’re not doctors, we can all agree that wet hair in the winter is definitely a no-no. Wet hair is more vulnerable to damage, especially if you live in the colder parts of the country. So, make sure you dry your mane right and use a heat protectant

 Air drying is best but it’s not always possible. It’s still much better to blow dry than go outside with wet locks. Make sure you squeeze out the excess moisture, then use the blow dryer on the lowest setting. And we recommend doing away with hair straighteners and curlers in the winter. You can use the colder months to try out some new styles like twists, braids or buns.


4. Keep it trim

 This one’s straightforward. Winter is not the time to skip a haircut, even if you’re growing your hair out. All the dryness of the season leads to brittle ends, causing your hair to split or break. The only cure is a good, clean cut.


5. Condition more, wash less

 Your hair’s natural oils are its main protection from winter dryness. Washing too frequently in winter can strip hair of its natural oils. Try extending the time between washes or use a dry shampoo.


6. Embrace winter’s darkness

 Darker shades work naturally with winter. They keep you on trend and help protect your hair. Those dark hues limit the number of times you’ll need bleaching and color treatments, which strip hair’s natural moisture.


Schedule an appointment at Hologram today and we’ll walk you through the best winter rituals for your hair. We’ve got all the products and know-how to make sure you keep your hair healthy and beautiful all winter long.



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